In most applications of analog electronic circuits we tend to deal with voltage signals. Voltage is rather prevalent these days. E.g., when one says dc-to-dc converter, we immediately think about voltage-to-voltage conversion. Perhaps that's due to the lack of natural current sources; many are comfortable with the notion of storing energy in a capacitor but not so much in a coil.
I'd like to share a short analysis of a voltage-to-current opamp-based conversion circuit. Say you, a design engineer, are asked to design a voltage sensor whose output voltage swing not known at this point. It is a generic sensor. Isn't it easy enough to make the output current proportional to input voltage and therefore let the user determine the voltage swing by selecting the appropriate burden resistor?
Let's take a look at the following circuit. External voltage is what we measure (could be thousands of volts); the burden resistor Rs is located on an application-specific controller board.
Basic rules apply (
Opamp inputs do not draw any current.
Voltage between the two opamp inputs is kept at zero due to negative feedback.
Output current capability is unlimited.
How is the sensor output current calculated? With the help of updated drawing:
Further Reading
In MatLab, DSPs, and FPGAs.
The fundamentals of signal flow.
Introduction to dynamic systems.
It is all sine waves.