Interactive Low-Pass Filter Studio
Bode plot of the discrete low-pass filter (interactive).
Low-Pass Filter Design
The Basics
It has occurred to me that most engineers and scientists are quite familiar with the basic formula of an infinite-impulse response (IIR) low-pass filter (LPF):
$$y[k] = a \times y[k-1] + (1-a)\times x[k],$$ | (1) |
This low-pass filter variation is easy to implement on processors or FPGAs.
Also, such filter should in some way correspond to the following first-order continuous-time transfer function:
$$H(s) = \frac{\omega_c}{s+\omega_c},$$ | (2) |
In this short tutorial, we will derive the relationship between the corner frequency "omega" in the continuous time domain and the "a" coefficient in the sampled time domain.
First-order IIR Low-pass Filter Design & Discretization
A continuous-time domain filter with input and output signals is shown below:
Continuous-time domain signals and a digital filter are represented as:
The formula to discretize a transfer function preceded by a zero-order hold follows:
$$H(z) = \frac{z-1}{z}Z\Big(L^{-1}\big(\frac{H(s)}{s}\big)\Big),$$ | (3) |
From Laplace to Z-domain lookup table:
$$Z\Big(L^{-1}\big(\frac{H(s)}{s}\big)\Big) = Z\Big(L^{-1}\big(\frac{\omega_c}{s(\omega_c+s)}\big)\Big) = \frac{z(1-e^{-\omega_cT})}{(z-1)\times(z-e^{-\omega_cT})},$$ | (4) |
$$H(z)=\frac{Y(z)}{X(z)}=\frac{1-e^{-\omega_cT}}{z-e^{-\omega_cT}},$$ | (5) |
A bit more rearranging leads to:
$$Y(z)(z-e^{-\omega_cT})=X(z)(1-e^{-\omega_cT}),$$ | (6) |
The next step is to take an inverse Z-transform:
$$y[k+1]-y[k]e^{-\omega_cT}=x[k](1-e^{-\omega_cT}),$$ | (7) |
And shift by one sample:
$$y[k] = y[k-1]e^{-\omega_cT} + x[k-1](1-e^{-\omega_cT}),$$ | (8) |
$$a = e^{-\omega_cT}$$ | (9) |
MatLab script
A basic MatLab script (below) verifies the equivalency between the continuous transfer function and its discrete time-domain counterpart.
Note that the sampling rate was chosen as 500 Hz and the break frequency as 50 rad/s or ~8 Hz.
% First-order Low-Pass Filter Discretization
% Control Systems Academy team
% 6/25/2017
clc; format compact
% Continuous time filter
s = tf('s');
w = 50; % rad/s
H = w/(s+w)
T = 1/500;
Hd = c2d(H,T,'zoh')
opts = bodeoptions;
opts.FreqUnits = 'rad/s';
opts.XLim = [0.01, 10000];
opts.Grid = 'on';
bode(H,Hd, opts)
% no more
Magnitude and Phase Bode plots of a continuous low-pass filter with corner frequency 50 rad/s. The discrete counterpart has 200 Hz sampling frequency.
Q: Can IIR (infinite-impulse response) filters become unstable?
A: Yes. These filters have a negative-feedback path and a single incorrect parameter computation can result in oscillations or output out-of-bound instability.
The benefit of IIR filters is their ease of use with constant coefficients and a simple transfer function representation.
FIR filters are generally used in more advanced digital signal processing (DSP), such as in transceivers.
Change log
Further Reading
In MatLab, DSPs, and FPGAs.
The fundamentals of signal flow.
Introduction to dynamic systems.
It is all sine waves.