Control Systems
Capacitor / Resistor Discharge Circuit : Theory + Demo

Capacitor / Resistor Discharge Circuit : Theory + Demo

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How to run the simulation

  1. There are two individual circuits with different resistor loads - a) 100 ohm and b) 50 ohm
  2. Hit the "Run" button and observe the system response for both systems
  3. Modify the capacitor and resitor values to observe the effect on dynamic response
  4. Scopes 1/3 are capacitor voltages. Scopes 2/4 are resistor currents


Resistive Discharge

From Circuit to Block Diagram


Additional Notes


Version of this article is 04/20/2018.

Proportional Controller Implementation

In MatLab, DSPs, and FPGAs.


Control System Block Diagram

The fundamentals of signal flow.


System Modeling With Transfer Functions

Introduction to dynamic systems.


Fourier Series Demo

It is all sine waves.

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